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This notice is issued to fully-paid 2020-2021 members of the Hawkes Bay Mountain Bike Club Inc. (HBMTBC).

You invited to a Special Meeting of the HBMTBC.

When: 6:00 pm Monday, 30 November 2020

Where: East Pier Hotel, 50 Nelson Quay, Ahuriri

Line rider unblocked games crew play


The HBMTBC Committee have been in extensive discussions over the last three years with Pan Pac Forest Products regarding the proposed new mountain bike park, which includes possible access into the proposed park.


On top of the new park proposal, there have also been discussions with Pan Pac on extending the life of the existing mountain bike park, as well as developing a new temporary car park into the existing Mill block trails.

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The Committee wishes to discuss with members the current status of the:

  1. New mountain bike park proposal;
  2. Eskdale Park development concept plan circulated by Hastings District Council and the opposition to this concept plan;
  3. Retention and duration of the existing trails in the Mill block, which includes the Club funding a new temporary car park;
  4. Current funding options available for future park development; and
  5. Future of the existing Committee structure.

Business of the Meeting

The business of the Special Meeting is to consider, and if thought fit to vote on, the following items:

  • Spending membership funds on developing a new temporary car park into the existing Mill block trails.
  • Confirm the best alternative access point(s) into the proposed new park.
  • Any other solutions, if required, on any or all of the five points of discussion outlined above.

Yours sincerely

Jo Field


Line Rider Unblocked Games Crew Play

Hawkes Bay Mountain Bike Club Inc.

Line Rider Unblocked Games Crew Pc

23 November 2020