Game 105: July 1, 2016the Initials Game

Halo 5: Guardians is undoubtedly one of the best shooters of 2015. You might have been miffed at its lack of split-screen co-op, but the strides forward this game makes cement it as the best core. Complete coverage of the Women's Ringer 1 and Ringer 2 from the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games. The 10th event of the Women's Individual competition took place i.

  1. Location: The Ranch
    7-km trail run
    Similar course to the 2009 trail run event.
  2. Location: The Ranch
    Similar to the 2009 deadlift ladder, where 1 rep is performed every 30 seconds through a series of 20 barbells that each increase in weight.
    Men: 425-435-445-455-465-475-485-495-505-515-525-535-545-555-565-575-585-595-605-615 lb.
    Women: 275-285-295-305-315-325-335-345-355-365-370-375-380-385-390-395-400-405-410-415 lb.
    Athletes will lift in the reverse order that they finish the run. Last on the run will lift first. First on the run will lift last.
    The deadlift ladder will begin 10 minutes after the last athlete completes the run.
  3. Location: The Ranch
    50 wall-ball shots
    Hill sprint with med ball
    Men use 30-lb. ball
  4. Event 4 - Ocean Swim
    Thursday, 9 a.m. PT
    For time:
    Athletes will start on the beach, swim out around 2 buoys, then finish back on the beach.
  5. Location: Soccer Stadium and StubHub Center Grounds
    For time, with a 20 / 14-lb. weight vest:
    Then, 5 rounds of:
    40 push-ups
    Then, 1-mile run
    Each athlete will wear weighted body armor for the duration of the event.
    Time cap: 55 minutes
  6. Event 6 - Squat Clean Pyramid
    Location: Tennis Stadium
    10 squat cleans (245 / 165 lb.), by 2:00
    6 squat cleans (285 / 195 lb.), by 6:00
    2 squat cleans (325 / 215 lb.), by 11:00
    Similar to Event 1 at this year’s regionals, athletes will progress through 5 stations at increasing weights with decreasing reps. Athletes who do not complete all the reps at a given bar before the cut-off time will be given credit for the reps they completed at their last bar and then ranked based on the time at which they finished their last full segment.
  7. Location: Tennis Stadium
    12 deadlifts (155 / 105 lb.)
    6 push jerks (155 / 105 lb.)
    Time cap: 15 minutes
  8. Location: Soccer Stadium
    500-m berm run
    40-ft. Snail push
    Each round the athletes will run up and around the berm, then proceed to the Snail for a 40-foot push. *Each time they pass through the rig they will complete 2 rope ascents (twice during rounds 1 and 2, once on the final round).
    Time cap: 21 minutes
  9. Location: Tennis Stadium
    For time:
    15 back squats (225 lb.)
    9 ring handstand push-ups
    20 burpees
    21 overhead squats (185 lb.)
    Scoring table drops to 50-point event for men who fail to complete the first round (first set of 20 burpees).
    15 back squats (165 lb.)
    6 ring handstand push-ups
    20 burpees
    21 overhead squats (125 lb.)
    2 ring handstand push-ups
    Scoring table drops to 50-point event for women who fail to complete 1 rep of the ring handstand push-up. The time of completion of each set of burpees will be used as a tiebreak.
  10. 40 box jumps (30 / 24-inch)
  11. Points available: 50 points
    Location: Soccer Stadium

    280-ft. handstand walk for time

  12. Location: Soccer Stadium
    On the same 280-ft. course as the Handstand Walk, athletes will run ⅓ of the way down and back, then ⅔ of the way down and back, then sprint the full length to the finish line.
  13. Location: Soccer Stadium
  14. Event 14 - Rope Chipper
    Location: Tennis Stadium
    200-m SkiErg
    200-m row
    0.4-mile Assault Air Bike
    200-m row
    200-m SkiErg
    Athletes will use a jump rope with a weighted handle.
    Time cap: 11 minutes
  15. Location: Tennis Stadium
    3 pegboard ascents
    2 pegboard ascents
    1 pegboard ascent
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< Proto:Croc 2

This is a sub-page of Proto:Croc 2.


The demo's date is listed internally as March 4, 1999. The final game is listed as July 1, 1999.

  • 1General Differences
  • 3Early Icons
    • 6.2Removed Enemies

General Differences

  • The title screen lacks music and is completely different to the final, showing a group of Caveman Gobbos hopping around a fire.
  • Level title does not display underneath when loading level.
  • 'Croc' and '2' have had their colors switched in the demo.
  • When all 100 Crystals on a level are obtained, a singular Crystal shows up on the screen, and is shown on the pause menu as well.
  • No binoculars are given to the player, and viewing is made easier.
  • Start with 5 hearts instead of 3 in the final.
  • Crystals hop around a little before settling in order. No sparkle stream behind them.
  • Different pause screen menu.
  • It's a little easier to get out of bounds. The final version makes it incredibly difficult.

Main Level

  • Upon entering, the camera flies in from the side instead of appearing behind him.
  • No door or arrow sign behind Croc.
  • Smash Box is on the right after crossing the bridge instead of the left.
  • No Heart at the top of the cave exit.
  • Darker text box.
  • With the exception of his first line, mostly different text spoken by Gobbo:
DemoEuro DemoFinal
I'll find the key, Gobbo!Ok! I save you Gobbo!Ok! Croc help Gobbo!
Thank you! You finished demo of Croc 2! There are many more adventures to come in big version of game!Thank you Croc! You'll have many more adventures in the big version of Croc 2!Thank you! Use the door Croc came through to return to Village.
  • When saved, Gobbo just vanishes on the spot, instead of disappearing into Croc's backpack.

Mini Cave

  • Camera shows Croc from the side, instead of just behind him.
  • Cracked platforms are the same color as the Smash Boxes, as opposed to the more green texture in the final.

Main Level (cont.)

  • Camera shows Croc exiting from the front. In the final, it shows him exiting from behind.
  • Gong is absent, a Pirate Dantini is here instead.
  • Gong is found just before the bridge. A Gobbo explains how to use it.
  • Second Gong is absent.
  • There is no Clockwork Gobbo platform between bridges.

Clockwork Gobbo Area (Unused)

Surprisingly, this has already been made, despite the lack of a platform for it.

It was completely remade for the final, and has the most changes.


For starters, the path and length were both changed. In the demo, it's shorter and turns right. In the final, it turns left, and is long enough that you can't see the prizes from the start.The prizes at the end of the trail are a Heart and a Heart Pot. In the final, there's only a Heart.


The overall size has been changed, and although the bridge is longer, the area itself is smaller in the final. In the demo, there's a dirt path on the road, which has been removed in the final (no one will be walking along the ground anyway, since Clockwork Gobbos disappear when they fall from a platform).

The area is enclosed by a bush in the demo, but in the final, it's part wall, part bush.


Second Cave

  • Camera shows Croc entering from overhead instead of behind him.
  • No Gong.
  • Camera is at a weird angle when falling with the balloon.
  • Gummi Saver is already present. In the final game, it must be purchased first.
  • The Heart is a Heart Pot.

Bonus Area

  • Smash Box is on the second pedestal. In the final, there isn't one.
  • There's another Smash Box on the final pedestal, too. Again, this is absent in the final version.

Unused Menus

Several menus still exist, but most of them do not work properly. To access them, change the value at 009BA608 to one of the following:

  • 2 - Language Select
  • 6 - Main Menu Options
  • 7 - 'Enter Initials' (New save)
  • 9 - Continue
  • 11 - Game Over, sometimes crashes the demo
  • 14 - Level Select

To get the Main Menu options working, force the value to 6 during gameplay, and press X. The game will reload the menu on the title screen instead, allowing the options to be used. The menu is heavily bugged, with random textures showing up all over the place and one of them flashing constantly. Some options, such as Dialogue Volume, will not allow you to return.

Game 105: july 1 2016 the initials games

Early Icons

Swap Meet Pete

Also found in the final, but equally unused here. Seems to be used as a default speech icon.

Early Croc

An early version of Croc's speaking icon loads in the VRAM, but only if Croc's main icon hasn't been loaded yet.

Jigsaw Piece

Although not obtainable through normal means in this level, the Jigsaw can be added to your items. The icon has a different color, and has been redesigned for the final.


The spinning animation for it is also hidden in the files.

Unused Song

There are several songs in the demo. Two are used, and most of the others are used in the final. But one song goes completely unused, even in the final game.

Given the industrial sound effects, it is possible that this was the song for the removed level since one song title is known as 'KWaterMine'.

Note that the high-pitched noise in the background is not an error, and is part of the original recording.

Early French (& Spanish) Translation

Game 105: July 1 2016 The Initials Game On

Although this demo was released in the US only, a very primitive French menu translation can be used by selecting it from the main menu.

The translation mostly adds 'Le' and 'La' to (some) of the options, such as La Options, Le Choose Language, Centre La Vision, Restore Le Default, etc. Some of them are more adventurous, such as 'Le Pressier Startier' (which, meaning aside, isn't used anyway, since this game requires the X button to start).

Interestingly, if you set the language as French, when playing the game, Croc and the trapped Gobbo will speak in Spanish (albeit with typos). Selecting Spanish will also allow them to speak Spanish as expected, but their words will be jumbled and display different phrases to that of the French option. Also of interest is that the Gobbo will tell Croc how to return to the village in Spanish, by using the door. But in this demo, there is no door.

Socorro! Dantinis had cerrado mi amigo en una juala!¡AYUDA! Dantinis cerrar jaula y esconder llave en cueva!
Han Encuentro tu amigo, gobbo!¡Vale! Croc ayudar Gobbo!
N/ASi salvas mi amigo ceras mi amigo tambien!
Croc puede utilizar la puerta en la pared para retornar al pueblo¡Gracias! Usa la puerta por la que Croc Venir para volver al Pueblo


This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: There seems to be a very good possibility that this .DAT file contains other levels, including one that has been removed completely from the final game. Find out how to open the file.

A large file, almost twice the size of the demo itself can be found in the main directory, containing various mentions of other levels. The game uses CROCII.DAT in the CROC2 folder for all level assets.

Judging by the coding, some of the levels include:

  • Save the Bird from the Thief
  • Find 5 Treasure Chests
  • Cannon Boat Keith
  • Soveena the Squid
  • Lava Lamp Larry
  • Village Masher

Removed Underwater Level

Scattered in the DUMMY.DAT are mentions of an underwater level that was seen in an early preview video and screenshots, but completely removed in the final. This is the only build that mentions them.

In addition to this, a strange song name, KWaterMine also exists. Since the original entrance bears a resemblance to a mine, it's very likely that this is the working title.

Removed Enemies


Mentions of an unused enemy seen in early screenshots are also present. This would place them in the level, Save the Bird from the Thief.

Drill Mouse


Code for a mouse enemy that has also been spotted on a couple of early screenshots.

Mine Cart Dantini

Not found in the final game is this coding for a mine cart Dantini. On the cover of the game, there is a Dantini which could be what this enemy was intended to be.

Removed Mechanics

Code for a raft not present in the final (Croc uses a Boat instead, although early screenshots show Croc using a raft).

Other Unused Text

At 01DA5E40 (and several other locations) CameraLewis is part of the level coding, although it does not exist in the final version. It could be a reference to Lewis Gordon, one of the programmers.

Changing 009BA61C to anything else will cause a 'No Memory Card' message to pop up on the screen.

Unused Textures

Game 105: July 1 2016 The Initials Game Show

Most of the textures from Caveman Village are stored in the title screen RAM, but go unused.

Game 105: July 1 2016 The Initials Game 6

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